The Power of Psychedelics: How a Single Experience Can Change Your Beliefs on Consciousness

The use of psychedelics for therapeutic purposes is a rapidly growing field of research. These mind-altering substances have been shown to have potential benefits in treating depression, anxiety, addiction, and more. But how do psychedelics work, and why do they have such a profound impact on the mind?

One of the key ways that psychedelics produce therapeutic effects is by inducing mystical or spiritual experiences. At high enough doses, these substances can reliably produce profound shifts in perception and consciousness. These experiences often involve feelings of unity, interconnectedness, and a sense of the divine.

Research has shown that these mystical experiences can lead to changes in belief, particularly when it comes to consciousness. A recent study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, explored how a single belief-changing psychedelic experience is associated with increased attribution of consciousness to living and non-living entities.

The study surveyed 1,606 individuals who reported having a belief-changing psychedelic experience. Participants were asked to rate their attributions of consciousness to a range of living and non-living entities before and after their psychedelic experience. The study found that there were large increases in attribution of consciousness to various entities, including non-human primates, quadrupeds, insects, fungi, plants, inanimate natural objects, and inanimate manmade objects.

Interestingly, the study also found that higher ratings of mystical experience were associated with greater increases in the attribution of consciousness. This suggests that the mystical experiences induced by psychedelics may play a role in changing beliefs about consciousness.

The table included in the study provides a fascinating breakdown of the different beliefs that were changed as a result of the psychedelic experience. It's worth taking a closer look to see how these experiences can lead to profound changes in worldview.

Changes in belief may be correlated with the therapeutic benefits of psychedelics. For example, if someone is struggling with depression, a shift in their belief about interconnectedness and unity could help them feel more connected and less isolated. This highlights the potential power of psychedelic therapy to produce lasting positive changes in the mind.

Overall, this study provides further evidence of the profound effects that psychedelics can have on the mind. If you're interested in exploring the relationship between psychedelics and consciousness, this study is definitely worth a read.

Have you ever had a belief-changing psychedelic experience? How did it impact your beliefs about consciousness?


Fujii, T., Lyvers, M., & van den Berg, S. (2022). A Single Belief-Changing Psychedelic Experience Is Associated With Increased Attribution of Consciousness to Living and Non-living Entities. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 852248. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.852248


Neuro-psychedelic does not encourage the recreational use of psychedelics. While research has shown promising results for the therapeutic use of psychedelics, they are powerful, mind-altering substances that should only be used in a safe setting. If you choose to use psychedelics, it is imperative that you educate yourself about their effects, potential risks, and how to reduce harm. This includes careful preparation, working with a trusted and experienced guide, and taking the necessary precautions to ensure your physical and mental safety.